In this weeks show we’ll be speaking with commercial real estate developer and investor, Allan Glass. Allan is what I like to refer to as an “opportunistic investor” and specializes in seeking out incredible investment opportunities within transitional markets. Unlike myself, Allan doesn’t focus on just one asset type, rather he invests in whatever is in high demand and will provide he and is firm significant return on their investment.
I’m positive that you’ll find a ton of value and inspiration in our show with Allan.
Here’s What You’ll Learn:
- How he got his start in the real estate business and dealt with learning the business during the real estate downturn of the early 1990’s
- Why he focuses on neighborhood scale developments in areas that is already transitioning but is not yet fully realized.
- The reasons he considers himself an opportunistic investor and doesn’t like to specifically focus on one asset type.
- Why he prefers to focus on “getting in and out” of a property versus holding on for long term cash flow, which is our preference.
- Why he recommends that new investors focus on finding great opportunities and believes that if the deal is strong enough, the money will chase after it.
- How to identify all the “what if” scenarios and map out a well aligned investment plan when dealing with partners and investors
- The opportunity his team recently saw in a 25,000 sq. ft. industrial building and are currently working to reposition this manufacturing space into a highly desireable bio-tech space for growing companies.
- How to uncover opportunities by identifying a higher and better use and repositioning the property to fit those uses.
- And much, much more….
Our Guest
- Allan Glass – Company Website
Recommended Resources
- Download my free success guide, “7 habits of highly successful multi-family investors” by going to
- Schedule your free 30 minute “no obligation” call directly with Kevin by clicking this link
- Looking to invest in Mobile Home Parks? Want to JV with me on deals? If so, schedule a call with me and let’s talk. Click here
- Grab a free copy of my latest book “The 21 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make When Purchasing their First Mobile Home Park…and how to avoid them