In todays show I’m going to cover the many different ways to use craigslist to help grow your real estate business. Most people craigslist is just for advertising your properties for rent or sale, and don’t get me wrong, it works great for that. But I’m going to share 7 other ways that we use craigslist within our own real estate business so you can see the sheer power that craigslist provides you as an investor.
Recommended Resources
- Download my free success guide, “7 habits of highly successful multi-family investors” by going to
- Schedule your free 30 minute “no obligation” call directly with Kevin by clicking this link
- Looking to invest in Mobile Home Parks? Want to JV with me on deals? If so, schedule a call with me and let’s talk. Click here
- Grab a free copy of my latest book “The 21 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make When Purchasing their First Mobile Home Park…and how to avoid them