Our guest for this week’s show is corporate housing expert and CEO of Avenue West Corporate Housing, Kimberley Smith. In today’s show we’re going to speak with Kimberly about the booming business of corporate rentals and why as an investor you should seriously consider diversifying your portfolio using this investment strategy.
Here’s What You’ll Learn
- What exactly is corporate housing and who are your typical tenants
- What attracted her to this niche and why you should take note
- Why diversifying into corporate housing is a smart play for RE investors
- The benefits of working with a company like Avenue West
- What types of markets work best for corporate housing
- The typical type of housing a corporate client looks for
- The average rental premiums an investor can expect from going this path versus a traditional rental unit
- And much more…
Our Guest
- Kimberly Smith – Company Website
Recommended Resource
- Download my free success guide, “7 habits of highly successful multi-family investors” by going to www.KevinBupp.com/guide
- Schedule a free “no obligation” call directly with Kevin by clicking this link https://www.timetrade.com/book/KV2D2
- Looking to invest in Mobile Home Parks? Want to partner with the industry experts? Check out http://www.SunriseCapitalInvestors.com
- Check out Kimberly and Avenue West @ www.AvenueWest.com