Today’s Flash Back Friday episode is from #85 that originally aired on Aug. 31, 2015
This week we’re going to speaking with long time mobile home investor , John Fedro.
I wanted to bring John onto the show because as you are probably already aware (if you’re a regular listener to the show) is that my asset of choice are mobile home parks. And if you know anything about the mobile home park business, then you know that a big component of increasing the value of your park is by purchasing used mobile homes and placing them on any vacant pads within your park and then either renting them out or selling them on terms to an end user.
Well, guess what John is an expert at? He has made a living by finding great deals on used mobile homes which he then rents or sells to create passive income. What you’ll learn in today’s show can be applied to both investing in individual mobile homes or investing in entire mobile home parks.
Here’s a few things you’ll learn in our interview with John today:
- How he accidentally stumbled into mobile home investing.
- How he finds massively discounted mobile homes for sale, in fact, the average price he pays is $6,000
- How he was able to go from a 100% buyer default rate when selling on terms and was able to get that down to less than a 5% default rate.
- How he is able to net a minimum of $300 per month of cash flow on a single mobile home and can usually recoup 100% of his original investment in 6 months or less.
- How you can become a huge asset to a mobile home park owner by buying homes and moving them into their park or purchasing existing homes within the park.
- Why it took him so long to transition over to investing in Mobile Homes to entire Mobile Home Parks and why he wishes he would have made the switch sooner.
- How he creatively bought into a partnership in an existing mobile home park and is now in the turnaround process and is already eyeing up his second park
- And much more
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Accredited Investors Click Here: to learn more about partnering with me and my team on Mobile Home Park deals!
Grab a free copy of my latest book “The 21 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make When Purchasing their First Mobile Home Park…and how to avoid them
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