Our guest for this week’s show is tax strategist and real estate investment expert,Thomas Castelli. Thomas specializes in helping real estate investors keep more of their hard-earned dollars in their pockets and out of the government’s. Over his tax career, he has worked one on one with hundreds of investors to help them reduce their tax bills. On the investing side, he is an active multifamily sponsor and has also invested in multiple syndicates/funds as a Limited partner. In addition to his real estate and tax endeavors,Thomas also hosts the Tax Smart REI podcast which averages over 100,000 listeners monthly and has nearly 4 million downloads.
Contact: thomascastelli.com/links
7:57 – Common Tax Benefits You Miss Out On
15:56 – RE Pro Status Qualifications
18:48 – Up and Coming in The Tax World
21:04 – Tax Efficient Classes
Quote: ” You don’t want to be the one who is missing out on five to six figures in tax savings”
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